a note from me

lets exceed the limit

Friday, May 21, 2010

so life in KMM isnt entirely bad, well except for the unclean toilet. other things are considered at par. the lecture hall is always soo packed, but as im always alone i get all the good seat. thats a plus one for being a loner. other than that, the friends here are nice and talkative. i enjoy making friends but for the time being, no one like mina and lina. i miss the life i had in KL, i dont know, maybe here im living a life with boundaries that keep me limited to the outside world. however, im trying hard to adapt to this. maybe it will do me good. i miss everyone and i cant wait to get it over with.

1 comment:

Izyanhusna said...

oh nur jgn jadi loner!
i know how they are different than ur friends in kl..
i totally get u babe!
but for sure nnti mesti ada kwn boleh ngam punyaaa